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obvious musings
Saturday, January 22, 2005
  The Xeroxer is X-Rayed and then X-Posed
Update (thanks to gvenum) :
Have a look at ragzp's blog. He's copied several posts from yumnyum and lazygeek. He has even copied yumnyum's design !
And wonder of wonders he even has one of my posts !! I wrote sometime before about the comics and serials we grew up in the 80's here and Mr.Ravi Shankar has blissfully copied it here.
I wonder how many more of these kinds we have lurking in the crooks and crannies of the blogsphere. Too bad that he is from Hyderabad, my home town ..

Unbelievable, so stupid that you can ultimately only laugh at it.
There is this guy Mr. Rohit Pinto from San Jose whose entire blog as in each and every post is plagiarised from well known bloggers. The irony is that his blog is called, "life unscripted - a window in my world". It should rather be called "life copied - peeping through the windows of others".. :).
IndiaUncut's Amit Varma first noticed this.
Here are examples :
Rohit Pinto on the call center controversy. The exact same, word to word post, from the original blogger. This guy had even copied the comments. :))
A post on a technical issue here at apress and the same post here on Mr.Pinto's blog.
Find more such examples on Shanti's blog here.
What was this guy thinking ? Why is he doing it ? One possible reason as Shanti suggests is for Google AdSense revenue ? He could have atleast been a little clever and added some of his own comments, changed the language. If you notice, its not like he is quoting them or anything of that sort, even if all his posts would have acknowledged the original posts and copied them, it wouldn't have been such a big deal, but this is plainly incredulous . If you are just going to copy others works verbatim, then why have a blog at all ? Apart from the serious issue of copyright infringement and passing of someone else's work as your own, what satisfaction does he get in being a Ctrl V and a Ctrl C junkie ? Don't you want to blog so that you can express some original opinion about what you are reading and experiencing around you ?
Was pointed to this blog by a friend, glad to know you're supporting us. But, um, you mis-spelt my name, it's Varma, not Verma. Even Pinto didn't make that mistake! ;)
[amit] That's why I am original :). Duly noted and corrected. I think every blogger should post on this, more the publicity this gets the better !
There is a similar one at http://ragzp.blogspot.com/
which as been lifted from Megha's(even the title) and lazygeeks blogs.
The funny thing if you read his Sholay blog , he didnot bother to change the basanti part in " when I was born , my mom wanted name me Basanti".
[gvenum] YES! what a schmuck ..he's copied her design totally too..and wonders of wonders he has one of my posts too ...the comics one :O
Anirudh, Thanks for noticing that. He had posted a verbatimg copy of my terminal review.

Will screw up this joke on my blog. Thanks for you and Amit for catching these dumbos !!
All of us (Me, lazy geek and Anirudh) should be thanking Megha for it, as she is the one who found out about this. She mentioned about this before to me and it was mistake on my part not to be crediting her in my comments.
(Lazy geek)--it was neither me nor Anirudh who discovered this blog lifter site, but it was by yumnyum.
Good find Megha!!
Thank you gvenum for pointing that out. Thank you Megha.
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Anirudh Garg, Boston, Software Engineer.

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