Managed to get hold of the first Ghose-Rai movie 'Choker Bali' after mnay months of trying to see if the Indian store got it. It was a really well-made movie worthy of portraying Tagore's complex novel using the Partition of Bengal to show the disintegration of a marriage and a woman. I was more impressed with Ms Sen than Ms Rai in that movie. Looking forward to this one. Hope this is not along wait.
Hirak, I saw the movie Chokher Bali a few days back too. I thought it was rather interesting too, a complex potrayal of desire and society in what is a period drama for us now. Although Tagore hated the ending, I thought it was appropriate.Thanks for your comments :)
I post things which if someone else would start saying they would start by saying "obviously .. blah blah". Due to my limited and slow perception I usually realize things late, so it happens often that I suddenly realize something which the whole world already knows.. I post such late realizations here about society, culture, business, politics and economics..