Quixtar !
Firstly I will make this posting small following the request of one commenter :)
They swoop on you like vultures waiting on their prey.. They will find you and engage you in conversation at the most unlikely of places ..I have personally been "accosted" at the mall, in the train, at the train station waiting for the train and most sacrilegious of all (for me atleast) in a bookstore. I am talking about the Quixtar agents, or as they like to call themselves Independent Business Owners (IBO's) !
Quixtar for those who dont know is a multilevel marketing organization (also previously known as Amway in the US, still known like that all over the world, since being closed down here), which works by individual people recruiting others to work "under" them, who in turn recruit more etc. Based on the sales of the people "under" you, you get a commission. So the primary aim for you is to recruit as many people as you can under you.
This post is because I have seen so many of my friends, being sucked into it, make it their religion and then come out of it, several thousand dollars lost, and hours of hours of valuable time wasted. Moreover, because it so much takes over their life, and they want their friends also to be a part of it, unfortunately they have become social pariah's.
Here is a Dateline expose on the whole phenomena. -
DateLine expose'