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obvious musings
Wednesday, July 28, 2004
  Moore v/s Bill O' Reilly
People this is viewer heaven .. For those following the elections in US, this was the meetup of the two most hawkish, staunch even at times vitroilic supporters of both camps, Michael Moore of Fahrenhit 9/11 fame and Bill O'Reilly of the O'Reilly Factor.
Moore and O'Reilly Pretty interesting !

Also I have been following the Democratic Convention pretty closely and Bill Clinton and Barak made especially stellar speeches .. Great drama.

If you have seen yesterday's show of O'Reily, he was begging voters not to get influenced by Moore's movie. He is up on his case very 20 seconds of the show. I find it very funny when FoX News calls themselves "Fair and Balanced" ..ya right..I have never seen anyone push Republican propaganda as much they do.(by literally absuing anything,anyone democratic). It is not easy not to get infuriated by some of the comments/assumptions they make. And thier interviews are a classic. They will only let people say what they want to hear. period. They try to make such fools of anyone speaking against the govt,I wonder why they ever invite them in the first place when they dont let them speak. My BP goes up everytime I see Oriely or Hannity&colmes show. This is a prefect example how the concept of "Free Speech" is abused.

Their claims about "know all" reminds me of Bertrand Russell comment.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

They prove the first part of the above so true.

I haven't seen Moore's movie and his speeches yet, to write about him.
Remember it was Fox News that was the first channel to call reverse in Florida.O'Reilly never said anything good about Kerry-Edwards campaign either.

I want to watch O'Reilly face John Stewart in the "Daily Show" and that would be really exciting.
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I post things which if someone else would start saying they would start by saying "obviously .. blah blah". Due to my limited and slow perception I usually realize things late, so it happens often that I suddenly realize something which the whole world already knows.. I post such late realizations here about society, culture, business, politics and economics..

Anirudh Garg, Boston, Software Engineer.

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