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obvious musings
Saturday, June 19, 2004
  Blog Categories
Blogging ! In my limited perusal of this form of "self expression on the web" I have realized(noticed ?) that there are essentially some basic broad categories of blogs ..

One is the diary format spilling out my daily "..I got up in the morning and used Dabur laal dunt manjan as toothpaste, aaj i ate pickled porcupine pastry, puked, still couldn't stop eating, hate my job and my boss, today he told me to walk his dog types.. ).Basically these are the online versions of some kind of a reality TV show, recounting ones daily life, though unlike on TV you can choose to talk about what you want ! There also includes some analysis of why they are like they are and what they think etc.. I think these are the majority ones ..

Then there are the others, which usually have no references to their personal life as they live it day to day, but are of the "things we love and want to share" ..the touchy feely, maudlin kinds...
("phool"y kinds), the cute baby version of the blogging world

Then ofcourse you have the link integrators (most professional blogs are like this) ..where the blogger puts together "interesting" links in his subject of expertise and usually leaves a minimal comment accompanying each link..

Then there are others like mine (most boring of the types ofcourse), where there are minimal links..and more like a commentary on a particular issue ..

In the next few posts I will try to include all the different styles mentioned above .. should be interesting..would also welcome comments from people about other characterizations of blogs.. :)

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hadn't thot of this before...but another category which I have noticed and frustatingly so are the "Am a English Literature Honors" variety who write to merely display that they indeed earned their degree!!

And more so when the point they'r trying to drive at through the blog just happens to be incidental to the blog!....

Makes u wonder...Did my parents play cheap and put me in a shady school or what!:-)
ha ha ..I know even I find those posts amusing, taking the time to express things in better language is a different thing but posting for the express purpose of showing off your language skills without any substance is so much of a farce !
There are many places where after reading a full page of extremely convoluted logic and prose you still go eh ? what did he just say ? so thats not very good..
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I post things which if someone else would start saying they would start by saying "obviously .. blah blah". Due to my limited and slow perception I usually realize things late, so it happens often that I suddenly realize something which the whole world already knows.. I post such late realizations here about society, culture, business, politics and economics..

Anirudh Garg, Boston, Software Engineer.

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